Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)
Infection of the top shoots (moderate)
The infection occurs mainly due to the presence of such pests as thrips, aphids. The spread of infection also occurs through the transmission of the virus by workers.
Infection of the top shoots (severe)
During a large-scale infection, the photosynthetically active surface of the leaf is reduced. Cucumber fruits are deformed.
Fruit infection (moderate)
At the beginning of infection, small deformities on the fruit are noticeable.
Fruit infection (severe)
During a large-scale infection, a very large percentage of the fruit is infected. The fruit is not saleable. The disease progresses very quickly at this stage.
Infection of the leaves (moderate)
The leaf does not grow to normal size, there are bumps on the leaves. Yellow discolouration begins to appear.